Friday, September 17, 2010

As always, I'll introduce by saying that it's been a while. I think I have already explained why its always 'a while' when it comes to me.

It's been a tough couple of weeks, lots of assignments and SACs, so haven't really got the time to really vent out my thoughts. In saying that, it hasn't been a bad couple of weeks, its been alright. Well, it was just basically a blur of homework.
Right now, I feel like really grounded. I had a shower and I decided to go through all the old photographs that take refuge in my living room while listening to some blues. It just feels good to look out to old photos. It provides a snapshot into how life was then, and you can really see how much you've grown, how much you miss your cousins and how much you miss those days. Sometimes its really overwhelming.
Humans have a tendency to look into their past. I mean, where-ever you are in life, if you are 10 years old, or 83, looking back on whats been always deems a task of recollection, of remembering those lost memories.
Don't think of me as some old guy, at the end of his life looking back on whats been, but it feels right to think about yourself.
Thinking about yourself is the only way we really confirm our identity, I think it's safe to say I'm in the process of still figuring it out, probably why adolescence is such an interesting time, so looking back on photos helps me remember forgotten stories that are pretty significant to me.
It's kind of really important to remember where you come from and how you got to the point where you sit now, photographs in that way help contrast.
When I look at my photos, it's really hard to believe that I'm looking at a little child who is me, or who was me, 8 or 10 years ago. Or when looking back on parties with my friends, it's alarming to see how much have changed or grown apart or even stayed the same. It's really important to remember others, as they would have changed you, maybe in a really small way, but your experiences shape who you are.
Next time you get to sit down with some old photo albums, take it, you'll find that you'll learn more about your parents, your family, your crazy uncle and in the end, more about yourself.

'It's just another story caught up in another photograph I found.
And it seems like another person lived that life a great many years ago from now,'
- Jamie Cullum
