Monday, December 21, 2009

Gosh, what a week.
What a great week. It was the week of the highly anticipated Concert. Possibly the one of the year.
Green day.
I finally got to see my all time favourite band live. Thats one dream down. Then, on the same night, I meet my hero.
Chris Cheney from the Living End.
Some people dont get how big a deal it is for me. I listen to his stuff almost everyday. He is my greatest inspiration I guess. To meet him, well, I guess I can die happy now.
Anyway. When I hear his stuff, all I can really do is hope and persevere to be as good as him one day. Some people I guess. Most people infact. In this selfish world, only seek on thing, and one thing only. Recognition.
Recognition is really what people want. To be recognized for what they did or what they do or what they are doing. If not by the whole world but to the people that mean something to them. For someone like him to reach the depths of my thoughts. Well, it gives me some hope. That one day, a small boy on he's computer may start listening to me and do as I am doing now.
Murder. Fame. Music. Politics. In the end people get what they want. Recognition. Who are we to be selfish? We get what we want don't we?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Well here we go,
first post.
Well today was a day much like other, I guess. Lost in the endless perils that consume our lives.
The Holidays.
We spend the entire year waiting of this freedom that we are given. Yet we reach here and are eternally bored. And yet at the end of them, we regret not savoring them enough. Well here I am, roughly 10:36pm. Recollecting of the vague memories of the day. They all just random blurs that pass the time rather than productive endeavors that I spent the whole year planning. Holidays.
Just a illusion rather? An illusion. To create the thought that your mind is at peace for once. Endless days that create a cycle, the type of cycle that you waited for the whole year to abandon.
An illusion. It may be an illusion but it works for me. As it does to the normal, feeble-minded , materialistic-valued adolescents. But really take a second. I shall try and break out of that mindless cycle. Hopefully do something that'll make these holidays somewhat significant. 'Cus in the end, i guess that's what we're all trying to do eh?

-Shazz, trying to escape.